00352 - 27 28 15 38 | mycon@mycon.lu

00352 - 27 28 15 38 | mycon@mycon.lu



The owner is obliged to contact an expert of his choice himself. The costs for the energy passport shall be borne by the applicant(s).

Each owner of a residential building receives a Original copy of the Energy Performance Certificate for the respective residential building.

With a Change of ownership the original energy pass must be handed over to the new owner. In the case of a Change of tenant a certified copy of the energy passport must be handed over to the new tenant. Prospective buyers or tenants must have the opportunity to view the Energy Performance Certificate.

Advantages of the energy passports

  • With the energy passport, landlords or sellers get an additional marketing tool.
  • Owners can use the included modernisation recommendations to plan the next steps in their refurbishment.
  • People interested in buying or renting can directly compare different properties when looking for a flat or house.
    Since 01.07.2012, real estate advertisements for sale or rent in the commercial media must contain the Energy efficiency class and the Thermal insulation class of the residential building must be specified.
  • Housing companies receive a decision-making aid for the future repair and modernisation of their properties.

Can the owners in an apartment building refuse to contribute to the costs of the energy pass?

No, because the energy pass is always issued for the entire building, both for single-family houses and apartment buildings. The energy pass must be commissioned by the builder or developer, the current owner or the owners' association, and the latter must also bear the production costs. Furthermore, the original certificate must be handed over to the new owner in the event of a change of ownership. When changing tenants, a (certified) copy of the energy passport must be presented.

If an energy pass is required, all owners must contribute to the costs. Refusal can have civil and criminal consequences.


What happens if the energy pass is not submitted?

  • If this is required by the ordinance, the owner is liable to prosecution.
  • Building permits are refused if the application is not accompanied by an energy pass.