00352 - 27 28 15 38 | mycon@mycon.lu

00352 - 27 28 15 38 | mycon@mycon.lu



Residential buildings are those in which more than 90% of the energy reference area is used as living space (alternatively, the "cadastre vertical" of the "règlement ministériel du 21/01/2010 Mémorial A n°9" can be used). The ratio of living space to non-residential space is thus decisive for the classification of the building as residential or non-residential.

When is an energy passport required?

The energy pass is part of every building application at

  • New construction,
  • Extension or transformation of an existing building
  • Existing buildings and old buildings
  • Change of ownership (sale, inheritance, donation, auction, etc.)
  • Change of tenant (new tenancy, leasing, etc.).

The energy pass is also mandatory for substantial renovations that do not require building permission.
